******************************************************************************************** * * * Tou- bzw. Terrorismusbeauftragter des GMAGC * * * (Gelbes-Männchen-Auswärtsfahrten-Gedächtnis-Circle) Zweites GMAGC-Member, welches \\\\\\\"Im Wagen vor mir ist ein gelbes Männchen\\\\\\\" nicht mitsingt... (Formerly known as \\\\\\\"Matsuhito, the Photomachine\\\\\\\") ********************************************************************************************
Och, das war noch vorm großen Regen. So muss nen Festival aussehen, dann klappts auch mit der Nachbarin. Schuhe und Hosen sahen dann aber auch dementsprechend lecker aus.
SVEN VALENTI - Schlittschuhgott!!! (Aber erst hinter Alex Wedl!)
Meine Top-Tochter und GÖTTIN ist Scorpionin!
FRANKFURT VERÄNDERT MENSCHEN!!! Alles wird sich ändernwenn wir GROSS sind ...
*** Re-Born on 28th June - back on stage ***
http://www.quappi.de Jimi Hendrix: Music is a religion. And it will be hereafter, too...
my tribute to James Marshall Hendrix *27.11.42 †18.09.70
******************************************************************************************** * * * Tou- bzw. Terrorismusbeauftragter des GMAGC * * * (Gelbes-Männchen-Auswärtsfahrten-Gedächtnis-Circle) Zweites GMAGC-Member, welches \\\\\\\"Im Wagen vor mir ist ein gelbes Männchen\\\\\\\" nicht mitsingt... (Formerly known as \\\\\\\"Matsuhito, the Photomachine\\\\\\\") ********************************************************************************************
*** FLYERS, PHANS and HUSKIES *** ************** ***Welcome to Philly, Mr. Forsberg!*** ***PHILLY PHANTOMS - CALDER CUP WINNER OF 2005*** ***Mein Top-Goon ist der Landshuter*** A puck is a hard rubber disc that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another. ~Jimmy Cannon
I am sedentary by nature, enjoying passive entertainment, eating when the mood takes me, and playing with my food. I try to avoid conflict, but when I'm angered, I can be a devil - if you force me to fight, I will crush you. With apples.28.06.2005: "...hundertmal schon totgesagt, manchmal ernsthaft krank nie beerdigt worden, dafür sei dem Himmel dank! Und wir leben! Wir leben immernoch!" Die Toten HosenMeine Jersey-Homepage: http://www.mistermorrison.de
I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.
*** FLYERS, PHANS and HUSKIES *** ************** ***Welcome to Philly, Mr. Forsberg!*** ***PHILLY PHANTOMS - CALDER CUP WINNER OF 2005*** ***Mein Top-Goon ist der Landshuter*** A puck is a hard rubber disc that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another. ~Jimmy Cannon
I am a Death Chase Rider. I enjoy taking risks, and I get kicks from speed, danger, and death-defying stunts. I drink and drive, I bungee jump, I snowboard, with no regard for my own life, or the lives of those who stand in my way. Trees? I laugh at trees!
In diesem Sinne captain ahab.
* * * Mitglied des gMAgC * * * (Gelbes Männchen Auswärtsfahrten Gedächtnis Circle)
I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along.
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even breakfast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.
(If you were not a Light Cycle you would be Jetpac Man.)
I am Jetpac Man.
I love the outdoors; the sense of freedom, of adventure. I love the sensation of free-fall, and would parachute and bungee jump on a moment's notice. I know where I want to be, and I strive to get there, making great effort to collect what I need. I let nothing stand in my way.
************** *************** FLYERS, PHANS and HUSKIES *************** ***Welcome to Philly, Mr. Forsberg!*** ***PHILLY PHANTOMS - CALDER CUP WINNER OF 2005*** ***Mein Top-Goon ist der Landshuter*** A puck is a hard rubber disc that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another. ~Jimmy Cannon
28.06.2005: "...hundertmal schon totgesagt, manchmal ernsthaft krank nie beerdigt worden, dafür sei dem Himmel dank! Und wir leben! Wir leben immernoch!" Die Toten HosenMeine Jersey-Homepage: http://www.mistermorrison.de
Kennt noch wer Captain N? Dieses uralte Maskotchen von Nintendo der einen NES-Kontroller am Gürtel hatte. Jetzt kann man sich nämlich endlich auch so einen Gürtel kaufen: http://nesbuckle.com/buy.php Den gibts jetzt sogar als SNES, MegaDrive und Atari-Version. Allerdings find ich die Atari-Version etwas gewagt.
************** *************** FLYERS, PHANS and HUSKIES *************** ***Welcome to Philly, Mr. Forsberg!*** ***PHILLY PHANTOMS - CALDER CUP WINNER OF 2005*** ***Mein Top-Goon ist der Landshuter*** A puck is a hard rubber disc that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another. ~Jimmy Cannon
************** *************** FLYERS, PHANS and HUSKIES *************** ***Welcome to Philly, Mr. Forsberg!*** ***PHILLY PHANTOMS - CALDER CUP WINNER OF 2005*** ***Mein Top-Goon ist der Landshuter*** A puck is a hard rubber disc that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another. ~Jimmy Cannon